

An open-to-the-public gathering between Arts Collaboratory and lumbung members happening in the form of a Kios or, as we call it, a(n) (af)fair! Lumbung Kios is a network of decentralized and self-run Kios (Indonesian for kiosk) to sell products at different locations. Its mission is to create a sustaining model to raise an income by selling self-produced goods. The evening picks-up on the Feral Trade Model as a mechanism to distribute the products using the mobility networks given through AC Netherlands Assembly and, previously, through documenta15. Feral Trade is a slow trade mechanism invented by the artist Kate Rich. In this process, goods pass from hand to hand, determined by the individuals’ travel routes. The contributions gathered through the Kios are imagined to be spent on long-term projects and collaborations among AC and lumbung members and ecosystem members.