Curatorial Programme 2023 –…

Curatorial Programme 2023 – Networking a version for the future


We invite you to a screening and discussion of Jihan El Tahri’s Cuba, An African Odyssey (Part 1) with the director. Together, we will retrace an era of transatlantic solidarity, reflecting on the connections between friendship, collective dreaming, and structural change. A film in two parts, Cuba, An African Odyssey is the previously untold story of Cuba's support for African revolutions, one of the Cold War's most vigorous contests over resources and ideology. From Che Guevara's military campaign to avenge Lumumba in the Congo up to the fall of apartheid in South Africa, 300,000 Cubans fought alongside African revolutionaries.

Year of release: 2007
Language: English
Subtitles: English
Duration: 59’06’’

Jihan El Tahri is an award-winning film director, writer, visual artist and producer. She is a member of The Academy (Oscars) since 2017 and has directed more than 15 films. Her visual art exhibitions have traveled to renowned museums and Biennales around the world. Her writings include many essays in renowned publications and has published books “Les Sept Vies de Yasser Arafat” (Grasset) and “Israel and the Arabs, The 50 Years war” (Penguin). She is a film mentor in various film labs. El Tahri serves on boards and African film organizations including FEPACI and The Guild of Filmmakers in the Diaspora.