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Public Programme
24.01.2025, 18:00–19:30
For this event, we invited Constanza Mendoza and Giles Bailey, who have been following the process around the exhibition My Garden’s Boundaries Are the Horizon closely, for a performative reading and conversation. They are going to read the publication and transform their interpretation into a collective event where the book serves as a score to be performed.
29.01.2025, 17:00–19:00
Organised by de Appel in collaboration with Schumacher Action Labs in the frame of Lumbung Practice and hosted by OT301’s Ventilator Cinema, we invited writer and activist David Bollier to engage in a discussion in the context of the the Lumbung Practice programme.
02.02.2025, 13:00–21:00
On Sunday 2 February, from 1 to 9pm, Cinetol and de Appel will host Tabaria Cafe and Rafi (Raising Awareness & Funding Initiative) for a fundraiser for Palestine, Syria, Sudan and Lebanon. Under the name of Tabarafi, Tabaria Café and Rafi initiative align themselves through showcasing Palestinian culture, music and food to raise funds for the Palestinian people and other oppressed communities.
Public Programme
The collective will explore new threads and possibilities for a collective reading of the publication, placing emphasis on different aspects and particular stories. These elements could complement and enrich the audience’s understanding and interpretation of the show.
Public Programme
28.02.2025, 18:00–19:30
For this event, the collective To See the Inability to See invited Lara Khaldi, artistic director of de Appel, to engage in conversation with artist Francisca Khamis Giacoman to delve into specific narratives contained in the book.
Public Programme
11.12.2024, 18:00
During this reading/conversation, members of dash(-)collective will activate the publication by weaving their own narratives into those of the book/object, using various media.
Public Programme
12.01.2025, 19:15–20:45
For this film screening we explore the theme of the garden by presenting three video works and short films, in the context of de Appel’s current exhibition My Garden’s Boundaries Are the Horizon by the collective To See the Inability to See. The collective, consisting of Arefeh Riahi, Martín La Roche Contreras and Maartje Fliervoet, as well as filmmakers Marwa Arsanios and Marcela Moraga will be present during the screening.