Documentary – Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series
- Titel
- Documentary – Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series
- Type
- on subject
- Auteur
- Jacques Rancière, Martha Rosler, Adam Broomberg, Oliver Chanarin, Ariella Azoulay, Walter Benjamin, Hito Steyerl, Allan Sekula, Judith Butler, Susan Sontag, Trinh T. Minh-Ha, David Levi Strauss, Jean-Paul Sartre, Georges Didi-Huberman, James Agee, John Grierson, Elizabeth McCausland, Carl Plantinga
- Artist
- Harun Farocki, Omer Fast, Sean Snyder, Renzo Martens, David Goldblatt, Alfredo Jaar, Boris Mikhailov, Emily Jacir, Ursula Bemann, Kutluğ Ataman, Walid Raad, Hasan Elahi, An-My Lê, Michael Schmidt, Joan Fontcuberta, Regina José Galindo, Lisa F. Jackson, Philip Jones Griffiths, Daido Moriyama
- Editor
- Julian Stallabrass
- Publisher
- MIT Press, Cambridge, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 2013
- Code
- THEO-WC-20
- Details
- 240 pages
See also
Beneath the underground
Beneath the underground
Beneath the underground
AI Weiwei
AI Weiwei
AI Weiwei
Activating Korea
Activating Korea
Bedrijfscollecties in Nederland
Bedrijfscollecties in Nederland
Bedrijfscollecties in Nederland
"Adorno: Die Möglichkeit des Unmöglichen" The Possibility of the Impossible (Vol. I)
"Adorno: Die Möglichkeit des Unmöglichen" The Possibility of the Impossible (Vol. I)
Art and Activism in the Age of Globalization
Art and Activism in the Age of Globalization