Jun Nguyen Hatsushiba / Peter Luining / Tejo Remy "Cinema Sounds Synergy I"
de Appel, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam

© Ernst Moritz, Den Haag / The Hague

© Jun Nguyen Hatsushiba

© Ernst Moritz, Den Haag / The Hague
Cinema: Jun Nguyen Hatsushiba, Memorial project Nha Trang, Vietnam towards the complex - for the courageous, the curious and the cowards, 2001 ‘Shot entirely on location in Vietnam, in the sea of Indochina, the film shows cyclo drivers underwater, in seemingly dream-like movements struggling to keep their balance and occasionally rising to the surface for air. Reflecting on the many who did not make it on their attempts to flee Vietnam, JNH also wants to provide a space for hope, a dream for the future.’ (Press release De Appel) Sounds: Peter Luining, New work, 2002 ‘Working in the interspace between sound and visual art, Peter Luining concentrates on sound toys and art pieces. For De Appel Luining presents new work in which the audience is invited to make audiovisual composistions within limits defined by the artist. The user directly controls components of the piece, like colours, blocks, dots etc. Which are influencing the sound compositions. Peter Luining is perhaps best known for his works clickclub and FF00FF remixes. He studied philosophy, and wrote poetry and other texts which he then reinterpreted as computer animations. He was also the curator of Net Affects, a network exhibition that formed part of Kunstvlaai 4. Luining’s recent work is more introverted and abstract. A visual connection with the work of Op-Art artists François Morellet, Bridget Riley and Larry Poons is evident, but in Luining’s case sound forms an integral part of the work. However, Luining’s work can mainly be seen as belonging with the activities of a small but fervent group of Internet artists who take a highly critical attitude towards the Net. Their objective is not to make new images. With a deeply rooted distrust of the Internet, their main goal is to reveal how the user is manipulated. They also wish to disrupt the strategies that restrict the user’s freedom. They apply their creativity to unmask the technology of the Internet and show users how to regain control of it themselves.’ (Press release De Appel) Synergy: Tejo Remy, S.I.G.S.I.S., April 6 through October 20, 2002 ‘Invited by De Appel Tejo Remy designs during the months April through October 'S.I.G.S.I.G.' (Should I Go or Should I Stay). A work in progress in which interaction between knowledge and design takes place. A place where the audience can meet and where different forms of presentation will be exhibited such as videos, books and live events. Tejo Remy: "Starting with an empty square to which functions, consisting of furniture objects that can grow and change according to the required function, can be added as required...".’ (Press release De Appel)