Lezingenreeks: Facing Forward #4…

Lezingenreeks: Facing Forward #4 "FUTURE FREEDOM"

De Oude Lutherse Kerk, Amsterdam

Design: Felix Weigand

Na de succesvolle lezingenreeksen "Right About Now: Art & Theory in the 1990s" en "Now is the Time: Art & Theory in the 21st Century", presenteren het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, de Universiteit van Amsterdam, de Appel arts centre, W139, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam en Metropolis M, gezamenlijk de nieuwe lezingen- en debattenreeks "Facing Forward: Art & Theory from a Future Perspective".

Deze lezingenreeks en publicatie stellen de kunst en theorie van de toekomst ter discussie aan de hand van zeven thema’s, die samen een mogelijk toekomstscenario van hedendaagse kunst en theorie schetsen.

Gedurende zeven avonden zullen vermaarde internationale sprekers reflecteren op de thema’s Future Tech, Future Image, Future History, Future Freedom, Future Museum, Future City en uiteindelijk, Future’s Future.

Deel 4: "Future Freedom", met Paul Chan en Hito Steyerl.

Sprekers: Paul Chan, Hito Steyerl

Moderator: nog te bevestigen

In discussions about the current revolutions in the Arab world, it is often said that they are engaged in a struggle for future democracy, which is couched as a typical western ideal. However, the question arises as to whether a struggle for freedom actually embraces democracy as the ultimate aim. Like all political ideologies, democracy is charged with specific power structures. Furthermore, with the emergence of right-wing political parties, concepts such as freedom, power, and democracy have been reappropriated and become the subject of much discussion in many western democracies. For example, in the Netherlands, the right-wing Partij van de Vrijheid (PVV) (Party of Freedom; in itself a non-democratic party), which holds that the integrity of the nation is threatened by immigration and certain religious groups, tolerates a government of Christian Democrats and Liberals. What place does the concept of freedom have in our present parliamentary democracy, and what is the future of freedom? Is freedom possible for everyone or achievable by a only select few? Does the power of democracy or democratic power stand in the way of freedom? And what does this mean for the free or liberal arts, which are under such enormous pressure in the current political climate?

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