Tanaka Min

Tanaka Min (1945)

Also known as
Min Tanaka
Member of
Body Weather laboratory


Woont/werkt in Japan

Min Tanaka – Body weather laboratory Tokyo in NYC – Poster, affiche

De Dans Voorbij – Beyond Dance, archive

Invitation sheet Beyond Dance with 6 images.

De Dans Voorbij – Beyond Dance, archive

Informationsheet with biography’s of the dancers/performers of programme.

De Dans Voorbij – Beyond Dance, archive

information sheet with dates and location

De Dans Voorbij – Beyond Dance, archive

Short biography’s of the artists and dates and locations of the performances and filmscreenings.

De Dans Voorbij – Beyond Dance, archive

information sheet with dates and location of Beyond Dance programme

De Dans Voorbij – Beyond Dance, archive

Min Tanaka – Body weather laboratory – Drive On, affiche

Min Tanaka – Hyper dance, affiche