Aleksandra Mir
Aleksandra Mir β Living & Loving: No. 1. The biography of Donald Cappy
Aleksandra Mir β Living & Loving: No. 1. The biography of Donald Cappy
Aleksandra Mir β Living & Loving: No. 1. The biography of Donald Cappy
Library Material β on artist
The Gesture β A visual library in progress

The Gesture β A visual library in progress
Library Material β on group show
Dialoge unde Debatten β An international symposium on feminist positions in contemporary visual arts
Dialoge unde Debatten β An international symposium on feminist positions in contemporary visual arts
Dialoge unde Debatten β An international symposium on feminist positions in contemporary visual arts
Library Material β on subject
Verlag fΓΌr moderne Kunst NΓΌrnberg
Verlag fΓΌr moderne Kunst NΓΌrnberg
The Everyday β Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series

The Everyday β Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
Living & Loving No. 2 β The Biography of Zoe Stillpass
Living & Loving No. 2 β The Biography of Zoe Stillpass
Living & Loving No. 2 β The Biography of Zoe Stillpass
Library Material β article
Living & Loving No. 3 β The Biography of Mitchell Wright
Living & Loving No. 3 β The Biography of Mitchell Wright
Living & Loving No. 3 β The Biography of Mitchell Wright
Library Material β article
White Columns
White Columns
Living & Loving No. 1 β The Biography of Donald Cappy
Living & Loving No. 1 β The Biography of Donald Cappy
Living & Loving No. 1 β The Biography of Donald Cappy
Library Material β article
Dundee Contemporary Arts
Dundee Contemporary Arts
Gagarin Volume 9#1 β no. 17/2008

Gagarin Volume 9#1 β no. 17/2008
Library Material β magazine
Frieze β Issue 75
Frieze β Issue 75
Frieze β Issue 75
Library Material β magazine
Matthew Slotover Amanda Sharp
Matthew Slotover Amanda Sharp
Contemporary art β from studio to situation

Contemporary art β from studio to situation
Library Material β on subject
Black Dog Publishing
Black Dog Publishing
9Βͺ Bienal do Mercosul / Porto Alegre β 9th Mercosul Biennial / Porto Alegre β Manual para curiosos/MANUAL FOR CURIOUS
9Βͺ Bienal do Mercosul / Porto Alegre β 9th Mercosul Biennial / Porto Alegre β Manual para curiosos/MANUAL FOR CURIOUS
9Βͺ Bienal do Mercosul / Porto Alegre β 9th Mercosul Biennial / Porto Alegre β Manual para curiosos/MANUAL FOR CURIOUS
Library Material β on group show
Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul
Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul
How Institutions Think β Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse

How Institutions Think β Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press