Yasumasa Morimura
Tastes and pursuits: Japanese art in the 1990βs
Tastes and pursuits: Japanese art in the 1990βs
Tastes and pursuits: Japanese art in the 1990βs
Library Material β on group show
Japan Foundation
Japan Foundation
Janus Viermaandelijks tijdschrift
8 2001
Janus Viermaandelijks tijdschrift
8 2001
Janus Viermaandelijks tijdschrift
8 2001
Library Material β magazine
Janus Publications
Janus Publications
Flash Art International 163
Flash Art International 163
Flash Art International 163
Library Material β magazine
Flash Art
Flash Art
Japanische Kunst der Achtziger Jahre

Japanische Kunst der Achtziger Jahre
Library Material β on group show
Third Eye Centre
Reorienting: Looking East
Third Eye Centre
Reorienting: Looking East
Third Eye Centre
Reorienting: Looking East
Library Material β on group show
Acting the part β Photography as Theatre
Acting the part β Photography as Theatre
Acting the part β Photography as Theatre
Library Material β on group show
National Gallery of Canada
National Gallery of Canada
art in intercultural Limbo
art in intercultural Limbo
art in intercultural Limbo
Library Material β on group show
Postgender β gender, sexuality and performativity in Japanese culture

Postgender β gender, sexuality and performativity in Japanese culture
Library Material β on group show
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Manifesta 10 β The European Biennial of Contemporary Art

Manifesta 10 β The European Biennial of Contemporary Art
Library Material β on group show
Manifesta Foundation
Manifesta Foundation