Elisabeth Lebovici
La batalla de los generos – Gender Battle

La batalla de los generos – Gender Battle
Library Material – on subject
Xunta de Galicia
Xunta de Galicia
Global Feminisms – New Directions in Contemporary Art
Global Feminisms – New Directions in Contemporary Art
Global Feminisms – New Directions in Contemporary Art
Library Material – on subject
Brooklyn Museum
Brooklyn Museum
2 ou 3 Choses que j'ignore d'elles : pour un manifeste post(
)-féministe = 2 or 3 things I don't know about her : towards a post(
)-feminist manifesto
2 ou 3 Choses que j'ignore d'elles : pour un manifeste post(
)-féministe = 2 or 3 things I don't know about her : towards a post(
)-feminist manifesto
2 ou 3 Choses que j'ignore d'elles : pour un manifeste post(
)-féministe = 2 or 3 things I don't know about her : towards a post(
)-feminist manifesto
Library Material – on group show
FRAC Lorraine
FRAC Lorraine
The Artist as Curator – An Anthology

The Artist as Curator – An Anthology
Library Material – on subject
Walther König
Walther König
The Long 1980s Constellations Of Art, Politics, And Identities. A Collection Of Microhistories

The Long 1980s Constellations Of Art, Politics, And Identities. A Collection Of Microhistories
Library Material – on subject