Future everyday life
Masha Domracheva

Initiated by Masha Domracheva, with a graphic interpretation by Austin Redman, Future everyday life addresses the lived reality of the WOW artists’ residencies in Amsterdam Nieuw-West. WOW Amsterdam and WOW Lieven as well as other Broedplaatsen in Amsterdam were initially based on the ideas of squatting and grass-roots management. Over time, however, as gentrification proved a profitable business model, the values inherent in creating sustainable communities were lost. Temporary contracts prevent tenants at WOW from forming long-term relationships with each other and the place.
But what if residents would imagine staying longer?
What kind of public spaces would they need?
What kinds of kinship would they develop?
What kind of relationships with plants, animals and other
nonhuman lives would they have?
What economic strategies could they put into practice?
Following the dissemination of an open call, artists will present their reflections on an imaginary future of communal living with unlimited housing contracts and propose scenarios for more sustainable everyday life. The full list of participants will be defined on July 7, when residents will gather in the aula of de Appel and collectively decide which proposal offers the most possibilities for transforming future everyday life.
Austin Redman (b. 1989) is a graphic designer from Los Angeles, the USA. He holds an MA from the Werkplaats Typografie, and is currently living and working in Amsterdam.