guided tour
Museumcard guided tours Bourgeois…

Museumcard guided tours Bourgeois Leftovers

de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

detail: Jota Castro, Polvo y Ceniza, 2013, Materials variable

Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk

On Sunday 21 & 28 April, 12 & 26 May and 2 & 9 June de Appel arts centre offers free guided tours to Museum card holders in the Bourgeois Leftovers - exhibition.

Please note that the language of the guided tours will be Dutch.
For more information about the guided tours, please click "NL" on the top right corner of this page.

Jota Castro – part of "Polvo y Ceniza" – poster

collection (unintended), 2013

Bourgeois Leftovers
