Morning Circle: Workshop

Morning Circle: Workshop

de Appel, Tolstraat 160, Amsterdam

'Ouroboros' (2017)

As part of Basma al-Sharif’s solo exhibition The Place Where I was Condemned to Live at de Appel, the artist will be sharing research from her new work Morning Circle through a symposium and workshop that critically examines the ways in which Western cultural hegemony fails to see immigrants as integral to their populations, by exploring one of the most vulnerable spaces: the kindergarten, as a space of potential reform.

Through readings, personal testimonies, and group discussion, the workshop is aimed at defining the imperceptible loss associated with displacement and immigration. Drawing from al-Sharif's research Morning Circle, the artist will share material on separation anxiety, the concept of transculturation, and integration. The workshop will culminate in a collective writing exercise in which we draft a manifesto-like document that reaffirms our ("migrants") presence and defines how we might imagine a different future for the generations to come.

The workshop will run from 11am to 3pm with breaks. A light vegan lunch and snacks will be provided. Children are also welcome to join. Snacks and a one hour screening curated by the artist and suitable for all ages will be available.

Open call for participants interested in concepts of transculturation and integration for migrant children
Interested participants are invited to write an email with e-mail title Morning Circle Workshop to (Maria Nolla) Please include a few lines on the following:

- Background: Are you an immigrant/migrant/refugee/1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation? And any additional background you would like to share about this.
- How long have you been living in the Netherlands (or wherever else you may be living).
- A sentence on why this topic interests you.

Additional note
While preference will be given to participants from migrant backgrounds and/or who are parents of children in the public school system, interested individuals who do not fit this description are also welcome.