de Appel makes time and space for artists and allies to pose vital questions.
de Appel is a daring institution founded in 1975. It soon became internationally known as an alternative institutional model, born out of artists' need to present performance and video art. Today, de Appel continues to act as a host for artistic and curatorial experimentation. Through a programme of Embedded Art in schools and society, a thirty-year-old Curatorial Programme and an active archive, de Appel brings people together to practise a mutual exchange of knowledge through exhibitions and live activations.
de Appel is committed to sharing resources with artists, cultural practitioners, school children, teenagers, university students, neighbours, curators, and national and international cultural and educational organisations, producing shared knowledge and aesthetics that challenge our understanding of art. In doing so, de Appel aims to contribute to artistic and socially relevant dialogues with various cultural and social organisations in Amsterdam and beyond. De Appel experiments with pedagogy outside of mainstream educational institutions and acts as a catalyst between academic research on art and culture and its constituencies. Our values include experimentation, innovation, solidarity, collaboration, social impact, affirmative critique and artistic collective freedom. We strive to be a place of collaboration between artists, institutions and communities, where we build regenerative collective models of curating and placemaking.

Image by Ehsan Fardjadniya