Performance: Tell/Sell a common story…

Performance: Tell/Sell, a common story van Sarah van Lamsweerde

de Appel, Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam

18:00–20:00 uur, Performance: Tell/Sell, a common story van Sarah van Lamsweerde

Please make reservations in advance by sending an email to: reservation [​at​] deappel.nl

This performance (in the form of an auction) centres around a story, authored by the artist and relating to specific objects each presented on a plinth. Taking the form of a classical art auction – as opposed to a conventional artwork – each word of the story must be sold to willing bidders before it can be told as part of a narrative whole. The audience in attendance will blindly shape the tale, through the frame of their own consuming desires, in advance of the story being spilled. Tell/Sell, a common story is a performance work created in collaboration with Esther Mugambi, and was originally commissioned by Ellen de Bruijne Projects. Please, come on time (18:00hrs)! Prepare to bid! And reserve your seat by emailing reservation [​at​] deappel.nl (please specify the date you wish to attend).

Cellophane Appels used by Sarah van Lamsweerde – Tell/Sell, a common story Father, Can't You See I'm Burning?

collection (unintended), 2014

See also