de Appel Curatorial Seminars at UVA

de Appel Curatorial Seminars at UVA

UvA University of Amsterdam

Starting on the 16th of February 2011 de Appel arts centre and de Appel Curatorial Programme will organize – for the third time – a series of Curatorial Seminars at the University of Amsterdam, in the context of the M.A. seminar “Doing Modern and Contemporary Art” (dr. Sophie Berrebi). The new sessions that will take place in the Spring of 2011 will be open for the general public.

The purpose of this seminar on curating and curatorial practice is to explore the exhibition as a multi-faceted phenomenon in contemporary art. The exhibition will be discussed as both a critical discursive form and an institutionalized cultural event through a series of four sessions constructed around a conversation between de Appel's director Ann Demeester, University of Amsterdam art historian Sophie Berrebi and Curatorial Programme coordinator Hendrik Folkerts.

The first session will define the exhibition as a medium, discursive form and cultural phenomenon. It will briefly sketch its history in order to question and establish its dominant form in the presentation of art today. Following this, the second session will contextualize the exhibition within institutional or other contexts and pay attention to the various forms of (public) programming and education through which exhibitions are communicated to audiences or complemented with other sources. The third session will be dedicate to the history/histories of exhibitions, and the ways in which such histories are written by contemporary curators, art historians and critics. This writing on exhibitions stresses the role of exhibitions in presenting art and its history and constitutes them into objects of study in their own right. For the fourth and last session several curators, both free-lance and attached to institutions, are invited to present a current or recent exhibition project they have developed. These case studies will incorporate and questions aspects explored in the first three sessions. The four seminars combined will enable to develop a richer perspective on the cultural importance of exhibitions in the contemporary art context.

For more information and registration: hfolkerts [​at​] deappel.nl


February 16, 2011, 15.00
Theme: What is an exhibition?
Where: Universiteitstheater, room 101A, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16 (Amsterdam)

February 23, 2011, 15.00
Theme: Exhibition case studies
Where: Universiteitstheater, room 101A, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16 (Amsterdam)

March 2, 2011, 15.00
Theme: What accompanies an exhibition?
Where: P.C. Hoofthuis, room 560, Spuistraat 134 (Amsterdam)

March 9, 2011, 15.00
Theme: Exhibition Histories
Where: Universiteitstheater, room 101A, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16 (Amsterdam)

See also