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Exhibition of videos films and…

Exhibition of videos, films and documentation

de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
Lynda Benglis, video The amazing Bow-Wow (1977) Fairground partners Rexina and Babu present for the audience’s delectation the hermaphroditic dog Bow-Wow, who proves capable of speech and thought. This leads to discord, and ultimately distancing, between the couple. Mary Beth Edelson, video Sacred Ritual (1977) Performance registration. Suzanne Lacy, video Learn where the meat comes from (1978) Comical cooking lesson, seen from three different angles. Parody of the Julia Child Gastronomic School. Natalia LL, video Dreaming (1978) Christa Maiwald, video Rabbit ears (For adults and children only) part 1, 2 & 3 (1977) Rabbit ears is about ‘the purity of the short-lived world of childhood experience’ and ‘the passage from childhood to adulthood, i.e. the stage at which an external event breaks into the innocence and trustingness of the world of the child, thereby precipitating the transition to adulthood’. Susan Milano & Ann Eugenia Volkes, video installation Different strokes for different folks (1974) Video work for two monitors, a parody on pornography and its consumers. Susan R. Mogul, videos Dressing up (1973), Take off (1974) and Comedy as a back-up career (1976) Dressing up: ‘While chewing sweetcorn, I explain how successful I have been at buying something at bargain price, and at the same time perform a reverse striptease (I dress myself).’ Take off: ‘I talk about my relationship with my vibrator, and jibe at a videotape by Vito Acconci.’ Comedy as a back-up career: ‘I describe, in the style of a satirical humorist, the difficulties that occur in the attempt to become a successful artist. I suggest that the profession of a genuine comedian could be a perfectly practical alternative.’ Ulrike Rosenbach, videos Venusdepression (1977), Signale für Hausfrauen (1977), Meine Verwandlung ist meine Befreiung, Meine Macht ist meine Ohnmacht (1978) and Salto Mortale (1978) Performance registrations. Marja Samsom, film. Hannah Wilke, video Intercourse with (1977) and film Through the large glass (1977) Intercourse with is a video registration of Wilke's performance/lecture in London and Ontario in 1977. An extensive documentary exhibition took place in the same period and included books, magazines, pamphlets, photographs and posters on feminist art since 1965. (From: Feministische Kunst Internationaal, Amsterdam (Foundation De Appel) 1978.)

Susan Mogul – Untitled

collection (unintended), 1978

Renate Bertlmann – Defloration in 14 Stationen, 1977

collection (unintended), 1978

Manon – Walk on the wild side! Four B/W Photographs shown in environment “Sentimental Journey” during Feministische Kunst Internationaal

collection (unintended), 1977