Facing Value – Radical Perspectives from the Arts
- Title
- Facing Value – Radical Perspectives from the Arts
- Type
- on subject
- Author
- Yona Friedman, Roger Caillois, Jan Verwoert, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Julieta Aranda, Anton Vidokle, Bojana Kunst, Celine Condorelli, Richard Sennett, Michel Foucault, Michel de Certeau, Siegfried Kracauer, Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, Marcel Mauss, Marina van den Bergen and Piet Vollaard, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Barry Farrell, Klaske Havik and Hans Teerds, Charles Jencks and Nathan Silver, Tony Judt, Evgeny Morozov, Victor Papanek, Jan Ritsema, Viktor Shklovsky, Bev Skeggs
- Editor
- Francien van Westrenen, Maaike Lauwaert
- Publisher
- Stroom, Den Haag, Valiz, 2016
- Code
- Details
- 444 pages
- 978-94-92095-0-08
See also
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