Global Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people

On the Global Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, the team of de Appel presents the video We Began by Measuring Distance by the artist Basma Alsharif. The video presents the narrative of an anonymous group who fill their time by measuring distance. Innocent measurements transition into political ones, examining how image and sound communicate history. We Began by Measuring Distance explores an ultimate disenchantment with facts when the visual fails to communicate the tragedy.

From 18:00, de Appel will host an artist-led collective reading of the Gaza Monologues, a testimonial text of 31 monologues written by Gaza youth following the 2008 Israeli bombardement. Sadly, these testimonies remain relevant today as we witness the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the intensified settler colonial violence in the West Bank today.

As for our friends online, we send you the second iteration of Learning Palestine. Another 12-hour mixtape of archival material on Palestine.

14:00 - 18:00 Loop screening of video Basma Alsharif, We Began by Measuring Distance, 2009, 20min

18:00 - 19:30 Artist led collective reading of Gaza Monologues

Ceasefire now and forever