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Audiovisual material
Edmondo Za – Verzameltape

Edmondo Za – Verzameltape

Edmondo Za
00:47:50, Dutch, English
mp4, MPEG, U-Matic, black/white


The video consistis of three parts. In the first part there is an old man seated in front of the camera. The young woman behind him takes the comb out of the pocket of his jacket and starts to brush his hair. Occasionally puts on his glasses. From time to time his glance is fixed on the camera, sometimes he looks in different direction. Throughout the entire episode there is a female voice repeating a phrase: “Telefoon voor meneer Jepkes...Telefoon voor meneer Jepkes”.
In the second part of the video the camera is fixed on a plain brick wall meanwhile a female voice tells about the life in a commune and artists, mentioning Edmondo Za as well. The story is looped and repeated, the image stays the same.
In the third part of the video we see a man dressed in white standing in the doorway. Behind the doorway there is a street, and people passing by. The man’s glance is firmly fixed on something in the distance. In the end of the video he closes the doors from the outside.