Elasticsearch error: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"index_not_found_exception","reason":"no such index [entities_en]","resource.type":"index_or_alias","resource.id":"entities_en","index_uuid":"_na_","index":"entities_en"}],"type":"index_not_found_exception","reason":"no such index [entities_en]","resource.type":"index_or_alias","resource.id":"entities_en","index_uuid":"_na_","index":"entities_en"},"status":404} Raùl Marroquin "Fandangos Evening News" - Archive - de Appel Amsterdam
Raùl Marroquin "Fandangos Evening…

Raùl Marroquin "Fandangos Evening News"

Multi Art Point, Herengracht 270, Amsterdam
At Multi Art Points (Herengracht 270, Amsterdam) De Appel organized a performance produced by Raùl Marroquin. Not the artist himself, but Titus Muizelaar performed as the Fundangos evening news reader. The 'news' - read unintelligibly - was illustrated by video images. Three times the news was interrupted by commercials, that could be heard loud and clear, contrary to the news.

Raul Marroquin – Fandango Evening News

archive, 1977

Raul Marroquin – Fandango Evening News

archive, 1977