Elasticsearch error: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"index_not_found_exception","reason":"no such index [entities_en]","resource.type":"index_or_alias","resource.id":"entities_en","index_uuid":"_na_","index":"entities_en"}],"type":"index_not_found_exception","reason":"no such index [entities_en]","resource.type":"index_or_alias","resource.id":"entities_en","index_uuid":"_na_","index":"entities_en"},"status":404} Sef Peeters "Hollandse Week: Dat wat ik achterlaat" - Archive - de Appel Amsterdam
Sef Peeters "Hollandse Week: Dat wat ik…

Sef Peeters "Hollandse Week: Dat wat ik achterlaat"

de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
Dat wat ik achterlaat

'My plan is to spend two days and nights prior to Dutch Week living in a corner of the performance space (reading, eating, drinking, sleeping, working, listening, smoking, etc.) with the objects appropriate to those activities (book, bread, plate, cup, chair, mattress, blanket, coffee, wastebin, etc.). I must be gone by the time the Week starts and visitors enter, so that they are faced only with the objects used.'

(Sef Peeters, letter to Wies Smals, November 11, 1975, archive De Appel / file Peeters)

Sef Peeters – Hollandse Week: Dat wat ik achterlaat

archive, 1976

Sef Peeters – Hollandse Week: Dat wat ik achterlaat

archive, 1976

Sef Peeters – De rode spiegel – Dat wat ik achterlaat

collection (unintended), 1976

Marjo Schumans – Hollandse Week – Een fietstocht door Holland en Nog wat rondjes in Amsterdam (A bike tour through Holland and some more rounds in Amsterdam)

collection (unintended), 1976

Marjo Schumans – Hollandse Week – Een fietstocht door Holland en Nog wat rondjes in Amsterdam (A bike tour through Holland and some more rounds in Amsterdam)

collection (unintended), 1976

Marjo Schumans – Hollandse Week: Een fietstocht door Holland & En nog wat rondjes in Amsterdam

archive, 1976

Marjo Schumans – Hollandse Week: Een fietstocht door Holland & En nog wat rondjes in Amsterdam

archive, 1976

Nikolaus Urban – Hollandse Week: Parrot training

archive, 1976

Nikolaus Urban – Hollandse Week: Parrot training

archive, 1976

Nikolaus Urban – Hollandse Week: Parrot training

archive, 1976

Nikolaus Urban – Hollandse Week: Parrot training

archive, 1976