That was then, this is now: Show Dance
de Appel, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam

© Caroline Minjolle

© Caroline Minjolle

© Caroline Minjolle

© Caroline Minjolle
A celebratory piece involving fourteen performers investigating the polarities between intimacy and remoteness, serious seduction and playful irony, the (female) presence on stage and the gaze of the spectator Performed by: Danai Anesiadou, Vela Arbutina, Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ann Demeester, Annemie Goegebuer, Patrizia Jaeger, Otobong Nkanga, Barbara Raes, Elsmieke Scholte, Anat Stainberg, Laura Vanborm, Lies Vanborm, Elke Vanlerberghe, Gosie Vervloessem Champagne: Michael Bussaer, Michel Quéré Concept and choreography: Alexandra Bachzetsis Technique: Danny Vandeput Sound: Lies van Borm Production: Helga Duchamps
De Appel Present: That was then this is now. A program that connects ‘Then’, ‘Now’ and the yet undefined ‘Later’
affiche, 2006
De Appel Present: That was then this is now. A program that connects ‘Then’, ‘Now’ and the yet undefined ‘Later’
affiche, 2006
De Appel Present: That was then this is now. A program that connects ‘Then’, ‘Now’ and the yet undefined ‘Later’
affiche, 2006
De Appel Present: That was then this is now. A program that connects ‘Then’, ‘Now’ and the yet undefined ‘Later’
affiche, 2006
De Appel Present: That was then this is now. A program that connects ‘Then’, ‘Now’ and the yet undefined ‘Later’
affiche, 2006
De Appel Present: That was then this is now. A program that connects ‘Then’, ‘Now’ and the yet undefined ‘Later’
affiche, 2006
De Appel Present: That was then this is now. A program that connects ‘Then’, ‘Now’ and the yet undefined ‘Later’
affiche, 2006
De Appel Present: That was then this is now. A program that connects ‘Then’, ‘Now’ and the yet undefined ‘Later’
affiche, 2006
De Appel Present: That was then this is now. A program that connects ‘Then’, ‘Now’ and the yet undefined ‘Later’
affiche, 2006