As far as Amsterdam goes...

As far as Amsterdam goes...

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
‘The museum as decor was the point of departure for De Appel’s contribution to the Stedelijk Museum's exhibition from November 21 to January 6, 1986 for which Wim T. Schippers, Guillaume Bijl, Barbara Bloom and Floris Guntenaar were invited to participate. Each person organized room 209a for a period of two weeks. Schippers opted for a display of his own works taken from the collections of Amsterdam's municipal museums. Bijl, in line with his ‘art liquidation projects’, transformed the museum room into an elegant shop selling Eastern carpets. Bloom gave the exhibition space a voyeuristic character by hanging her erotically tinted photos behind the curtains and by placing the railing that normally protects art works close to the work. Guntenaar finally, made the space theatrical by providing one of the short sides of the space with various stage frames, the wings created a perspective in which a figure constructed from coloured wooden blocks pursued its course leaving, here and there, some blocks behind. The As far as Amsterdam goes... exhibition thus had one room that took on four different appearances within the show's duration.’ (‘The museum as a decor’, De Appel, 6 (1986) 1, p. 20.)