John Kormeling "Design machine"

John Kormeling "Design machine"

de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
‘Styrofoam pellets are blown into the space by a fan. They represent random places; two of them are selected which together constitute a unit (measurement and direction). The space of De Appel is the starting point for making a new space in which the differences between place, size and direction are minimized. I take the height of this space as the smallest unit; stretch a string between floor and ceiling (direction one). Then I plot this unit on the floor (breadth) perpendicular to the first direction. The first plane is determined by plotting the third direction with a new unit. The unit is marked against the fourth direction, which is perpendicular to the first three. This introduces the third unit; it is marked on the floor, and creates depth. The taut strings determine the new space of De Appel. The strings and the styrofoam pellets are phosphorized. The light is switched off and the new space becomes visible. With the aid of wires stretched over a wooden plank on which the proportional measurements are marked, I make the measurements of the space audible.’ (John Kormeling, ‘Design machine’, De Appel, 3 (1983) 1, p. 10.)