Ron Haselden "Thames Projekt"

Ron Haselden "Thames Projekt"

de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
β€˜Ron Haselden is planning to build a structure, made of twenty-two elements, stretching across an area of some 70 meters along the foreshore of the River Thames. Each element covers an area of approximately 10 by 6 meters, rising to 4 meters high. Nets are suspending across these structures which are made of scaffolding. This undulating landscape of nets will be totally covered at high water. Haselden is anticipating constant changes in the streaming of the nets, due to the interaction of debris left behind from the tidal flow. ACME has taken upon itself the organization of the project's realization as well as seeking sponsorship for the same (the ACME Gallery stopped to function public gallery; its future activities include the collaboration in projects out of a of a gallery context). De Appel is producing a publication due out before the end of the year, which will contain an extensive survey of Ron Haselden's work over the last 8 years, showing how ideas have evolved towards the new project. The book will include many photographs and texts arising from interviews with the artist, Stuart Brisly and Chris Haines; an introduction of Jonathan Harvey. [...] The Thames project will undergo many changes - mainly caused by the tidal flow over a considerable period of time. To complement this publication, De Appel is seeking a pictorial form to show both the process of construction and the changing nature of the work.’ (De Appel, 1 (1981) 3-4, p. 6.)