Haunted by detail
de Appel, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam

© Florian Lantau

© Florian Lantau

© Florian Lantau

© Florian Lantau
‘Haunted by detail is about the way in which small details constitute entire worlds in themselves. These details tie together the lived experience and express its tangible nature. The project includes an exhibition at De Appel, a Film and Video Programme at the Filmmuseum, and a publication. The exhibition presents international artists who, in the midst of daily urban existence, discover neglected details and communicate a life through them. They frame and bring to light specific moments, objects, memories and/or stories in their artworks. These details function as metaphors; but metaphors, which are tangible. They ground our perception in the mundane and force us to consider what we already know yet disregard. These practices invite us to question our knowledge and perception, and the way in which we have categorised and processed them. The participating artists are: Erick Beltrán, Emese Benczúr, David Claerbout, Karl Holmqvist, Koo Jeong-a, Leopold Kessler, Rivane Neuenschwander, Anri Sala, Scanner, Sean Snyder, Marco Vaglieri, Barbara Visser, Tarek Zaki en Akram Zaatari. The Film and Video Programme proposes that a renewed consciousness of filmic heritage has led diverse artists to remodel their own visual language according to particular visual features and styles. Rather than taking a full retrospective view, but through an exploration of the imagination and the resources of historical key filmmakers, an understanding of contemporary art’s audio-visual dynamics is suggested. The programme presents examples of celebrated but not so often seen film works, produced during the decisive years in which modern independent cinema established itself, juxtaposed with contemporary video works.’ (Fragment invitation text De Appel) Haunted by detail is a project by the participants of De Appel’s Curatorial Training Programme 2002: Mai Abu ElDahab (Egypt), Francesco Bernardelli (Italy), Nikola Dietrich (Germany), Edit Molnár (Hungary), Natasa Petresin (Slovenia) and Basak Senova (Turkey). Catalogue: Haunted by detail, 2002. Erick Beltran, Emese Benczur, David Claerbout, Karl Holmqvist, Koo Jeong-a, Leopold Kessler, Rivane Neuenschwander, Anri Sala, Scanner, Sean Snyder, Marco Vaglieri, Barbara Visser, Akram Zaatari, Tarek Zaki. Text: Mai Abu ElDahab, Francesco Bernardelli, Annette Balkema, Jeroen Boomgaard, Rosi Braidotti, Nikola Dietrich, Edit Molnar, Natasa Petresin, Basak Senova. English. Bio- & bibliography incl. Soft cover. 56 pp., 24 f.c., 17 x 24 cm. Design: Giselle de Oliveira Macedo. ISBN 90 73501 60. € 17,50.