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Frances Goodman / Carlson Hatton /…

Frances Goodman / Carlson Hatton / Jeroen Jongeleen "Cinema Sounds Synergy III"

de Appel, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam

Cinema: Carlson Hatton, Aaron Davenport (From Boom-Box To Detox), 2001 ‘Aaron Davenport (From Boom-Box To Detox) covers the short life of a young man in suburban southern California. Spoken from the narrator’s perspective, the 45 minute piece is told through a collage of individual accounts. The seemingly autobiographical audio narrative is set to a wide array of artist-shot footage, drawings, and found images ranging from fashion magazine cutouts to Jehovah’s Witness tracts.' (Press release De Appel) Sounds: Frances Goodman, Portrait, 2002 ‘Portrait is an audiovisual installation made by Frances Goodman in 2002. The work aims to examine what unknown possibilities are still present in the portrait genre. Frances Goodman became interested in making an audio portrait of a person, based on someone else’s impressions and memories of that individual.' (Press release De Appel) Synergy: Jeroen Jongeleen, Influenza/Microjam, 2002 'Jeroen Jongeleen shows slide projections of urban fragments in this first phase of his Influenze/Microjam project, titled Unicura 1. He has documented street furniture and parts of buildings that look inviting as platforms for illicit poster sticking, as a basis for actions that will take place in the future. The resulting images are projected from his Urban Ornaments mobile documentation bar.' (Press release De Appel)