Plan B
de Appel, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam

© Seber Ugarte

© Begoña Muñoz
‘Plan B is an exhibition that presents approaches by international artists to the changing nature of contemporary art production. Offering alternative strategies, or 'plan B's, these artists adapt existing systems and open up fields for new possibilities. They focus on everyday realities through the observation of present social, economic and political structures, using them to dislocate learned responses. The artists in Plan B suggest subjective and usable prototypes. They create new combinations and alliances, adopt unconventional approaches and intervene both within the institution and outside in the public realm. Their focus is directed towards the processes and the means of production rather than on any physical product, thereby extending the concept of art and redefining their role as artists. Plan B explores the multiple ways in which these artists create tools for interaction and question communication within contemporary society. By investigating this process the exhibition also aims to initiate a debate concerning the ideological and practical conditions in which art is exhibited today.’ (Press release De Appel) Plan B was curated by the participants of the Curatorial Training Programme ‘99/’00: Montse Badia (E), Simonka de Jong (NL), Jane Bhoyroo (UK), Boris Kremer (L), Florence Derieux (F/UK) and Sophie O'Brien (AUS). Catalogue: Plan B, 2000. Plamen Dejanov/Swetlana Heger, Alicia Framis, Daniel Garcia Andújar, Jens Haaning, Matthieu Laurette, ORGACOM, Asier Pérez Gonzalez, SUPERFLEX. Text: Montse Badia, Simonka de Jong, Boris Kremer, Sophie O'Brien, Rudi Laermans a.o.. English. Soft cover. 19.4 x 26 cm. Design: Maureen Mooren & Daniël van der Velden. ISBN 90 73501 49. € 11,-.