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Martien Groeneveld "Het geluid van de…

Martien Groeneveld "Het geluid van de tram in de bocht"

de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam

In front of one of the walls a screen was placed on which the film Tinus Horlepiep (1978) was shown. Groeneveld sat to the left in front of the screen and explained the images. The public sat to the right in front of the screen on folding chairs. Above their heads ropes were stretched on which cassette recorders and clamps were hanging. Tram sounds were recorded on the cassettes. So it was as if the public were in a tram. When new tram rails were laid near the artist’s home on the Bakkerstraat, he became fascinated by the rattling and squeaking sounds that trams make. He went on to make sound recordings of the trams on Rembrandt Square and the line that runs past the Tropenmuseum. He also constructed a stringed instrument on which he could imitate these sounds. It consisted of a metal plate stretched along a stick and a bow made of bamboo, cork, tape and wire.