All color news

All color news

de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
This video tape is a compilation of four news programmes, that were broadcasted from the end of February till the beginning of April 1978 on channel D of the New York / Manhattan cable TV. The following artists contributed to the programmes: Charlie and John Ahearn, Cara Bownwell, Scot and Beth B, Mitcher Corber, Vivian Dick, Colen Fitzgibbon, Michael McClard, James Nares, Carla Pearlman, Virginia Piersol, Tom Otterness, Robert Smith, Seth Tillet and Robin Winters. As Collaborativ Projects Inc. they publish Xmagazine. The newsprogrammes consisted of the the following items: - programme 1: 'Immigration', 'Unemployment/social security', 'The wage of crime' and 'We are the news'. - programme 2: 'Wallstreet bombs' (x), 'Who killed Jule?' (x), 'Camel masturbate', 'International news', 'On communication', 'The Golden Glove boxing contest' (x) and 'Calling to the studio' (x). - programme 3: 'Inspector Howe, chief of the criminal investigation department for fire-raising and explosives of the New York police district' (x), 'Palestinian Liberation Front', 'Ted Weis, Huis of Commons, on new developments in criminal law', 'Comstock action against abortion' and 'Enactment conspiracy'. - programme 4: 'Fires' (x), 'South Bronx', 'Calling in Chinatown' (x), 'Mental home', 'Art', 'Police', 'Civil servants at the subway', 'Shop-lifter', 'Lost man', 'Robbery in the subway' and 'Picnic on the rails' (x). All items marked with an x are on the compilation tape All color news. (Invitation De Appel, January/February 1979.)
See also