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Richard Demarco "Lecture with slideshow…

Richard Demarco "Lecture with slideshow & discussion"

de Appel, Brouwersgracht 196, Amsterdam
Lecture with slideshow & discussion

Lecture, slide show and discussion in relation to the study tour ‘Edinburgh Arts Europe ‘76', which gallery owner Richard Demarco organized for students, art historians, artists and museum staff. During the 70 day journey, the group visited Malta, the former Yugoslavia, France and Scotland in order to view prehistoric and Celtic art. It was intended as a return to the origins of European culture to stimulate thinking about the most advanced forms of twentieth century art. (Invitation De Appel, March/April 1978.)

Richard Demarco – Lezing Met Diaprojectie & Discussie

archive, 1978

Richard Demarco – Lezing Met Diaprojectie & Discussie

archive, 1978