Min Oh: Conversation Dance
de Appel, Tolstraat 160, Amsterdam
Conversation Dance is an exhibition and performance of Min Oh’s existing and premiering works, curated and co-choreographed by Eugene Hannah Park. The concept of Conversation Dance emerged from the urge to know how non-hierarchical coexistence operates in multidisciplinary art.
For a symbiotic ecosystem to be established, understanding each participant or material and its history is necessary. Therefore, collaboration in interdisciplinary artmaking is a practice of knowledge production around responsibilities, rights, hierarchies established differently in each discipline. Conversation Dance starts a dialogue at this juncture.
The multi-disciplinary art work, which unfolds over a week-long program in the exhibition space of de Appel, includes dialogues that investigate non-hierarchical relations and languages used in collaborations between cultural workers. The audience is invited to an open and live setting which challenges the conventional distinction between on-screen and off-screen, on stage and backstage, process and result, theory and practice, and diverse roles and genres within an artwork. The project starts from Min Oh’s concept of simultaneity—which she defines as the coming together of non-hierarchical sensory information. At de Appel she presents a program that includes live performance, public rehearsals with performers, scores, and a multi-channel audio-visual installation.
More information on the week-long program, which takes place between 24-29 September, will be published on de Appel’s website soon.
Conversation Dance is supported by AFK (Amsterdam Fund for the Arts) and sponsored by Korea Artist Prize Promotion Fund, from SBS Foundation and National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea.