Paul O'Neill
ICE Reader 1: Curating Critique
ICE Reader 1: Curating Critique
ICE Reader 1: Curating Critique
Library Material β on subject
Bergen Biennial Conference β reader

Bergen Biennial Conference β reader
Library Material β on subject
Metropolis Rise: New Art from London β An exhibition and index of the current London scene
Metropolis Rise: New Art from London β An exhibition and index of the current London scene
Metropolis Rise: New Art from London β An exhibition and index of the current London scene
Library Material β on group show
Article Press
Article Press
Rotterdam Dialogues β The Critics β The Curators β The Artists
Rotterdam Dialogues β The Critics β The Curators β The Artists
Rotterdam Dialogues β The Critics β The Curators β The Artists
Library Material β on subject
The Biennial Reader β An Anthology on Large-Scale Perennial Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
The Biennial Reader β An Anthology on Large-Scale Perennial Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
The Biennial Reader β An Anthology on Large-Scale Perennial Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
Library Material β on subject
Cantz Verlag
Cantz Verlag
Locating the Producers β Durational Approaches to Public Art
Locating the Producers β Durational Approaches to Public Art
Locating the Producers β Durational Approaches to Public Art
Library Material β on subject
The Exhibitionist #4 β La Critique β Journal on Exhibition Making β La Critique

The Exhibitionist #4 β La Critique β Journal on Exhibition Making β La Critique
Library Material β magazine
Archive Books
Archive Books
Conversation Pieces
Conversation Pieces
Conversation Pieces
Library Material β on group show
The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Culture(s)

The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Culture(s)
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
Printed Project β issue 8 β Artistic FreedomβAnxiety and Aspiration
Printed Project β issue 8 β Artistic FreedomβAnxiety and Aspiration
Printed Project β issue 8 β Artistic FreedomβAnxiety and Aspiration
Library Material β magazine
Visual Artists Ireland
Visual Artists Ireland
CURATING SUBJECTS β SΓΆren Andreasen and Lars Bang Larsen, Julie Ault, Carlos Basualdo, Dave Beech & Mark Hutchinson a.o.

CURATING SUBJECTS β SΓΆren Andreasen and Lars Bang Larsen, Julie Ault, Carlos Basualdo, Dave Beech & Mark Hutchinson a.o.
Library Material β on subject
de Appel
de Appel
Curating and the Educational Turn

Curating and the Educational Turn
Library Material β on subject
de Appel
de Appel
The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?

The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
Curating Research β Occasional Table

Curating Research β Occasional Table
Library Material β on subject
de Appel
de Appel
Private Views
Private Views
Private Views
Library Material β on group show
London Print Studio Gallery
London Print Studio Gallery
Exhibition as Social Intervention β 'Culture in Action' 1993

Exhibition as Social Intervention β 'Culture in Action' 1993
Library Material β on subject
The Curatorial Turn; From Practice to Discourse
The Curatorial Turn; From Practice to Discourse
The Curatorial Turn; From Practice to Discourse
Library Material β article
The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?

The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
How Institutions Think β Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse

How Institutions Think β Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
The Rural β Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series

The Rural β Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
Curating After the Global
Roadmaps for the Present

Curating After the Global
Roadmaps for the Present
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press