Jonas Staal – How Much Fascism?
- Type
- on artist
- Artist
- Mladen Stilinović, SUPERFLEX, Lidwien van de Ven, Cesare Pietroiusti, Milica Tomic, Burak Delier, Trevor Paglen, Jonas Staal, Marina Naprushkina, Etcétera... Avi Mograbi
- Venue
- BAK Basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht
- Code
- STAA-J-11
What, How & for Whom/WHW
See also
Nieuwe Openingen 8 – Amsterdam Noir
Nieuwe Openingen 8 – Amsterdam Noir
Nieuwe Openingen 8 – Amsterdam Noir
Hervé Fischer – Citoyens sculpteurs. Une expérience d’art sociologique au Quebec
Hervé Fischer – Citoyens sculpteurs. Une expérience d’art sociologique au Quebec
Hervé Fischer – Citoyens sculpteurs. Une expérience d’art sociologique au Quebec
Spatial Formations
Spatial Formations
Beware of the Holy Whore – Edvard Munch, Lene Berg and the Dilemma of Emancipation
Beware of the Holy Whore – Edvard Munch, Lene Berg and the Dilemma of Emancipation
Beware of the Holy Whore – Edvard Munch, Lene Berg and the Dilemma of Emancipation
Kurdish Awakening – Nation Building in a Fragmented Homeland
Kurdish Awakening – Nation Building in a Fragmented Homeland
Education for Socially Engaged Art – A Materials and Techniques Handbook
Education for Socially Engaged Art – A Materials and Techniques Handbook
Education for Socially Engaged Art – A Materials and Techniques Handbook